Say hello to advanced detection with MEKI Assurance Intelligence


We provide food manufacturers with compact, easy-to-use, X-ray inspection systems that provide excellent performance and the best value in the industry.
A full focus on X-ray quality control solutions combined with global presence makes us a unique player in the industry.

About us
Quality Control in Food

What makes MEKI different?

MEKI™ means a new mindset changing the way food quality control is done.
For this to be possible, we created an inspection solution based on X-ray technology aimed for primary packaging inspection feasible to be implemented for small and large producers alike.

Our systems
Transform your CCP into a Data Platform

The new MEKI™️ Data Manager combines data analytics with packaged food inspection, giving you access to the X-ray images and production data gathered by your quality control points.
This data becomes especially crucial when eliminating false rejects, pinpointing malfunctions in the upstream equipment, and improving your product recipes. All of which have an impact on minimizing the food waste in your production.

Road to
Safe Food
"We are content with the aftersales service and would always recommend Mekitec." — Mr. Etzlinger, Plant Manager, Käserei Champignon
Test and see what X-ray can do

We conduct Application Tests to present the exact detection rate and performance that X-ray inspection offers. Book yours now and get the results in no time!

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